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The Dave Davies Band ~ 1999 February 10 ~ Sit 'n Bull Pub ~ Maynard, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

Band Personnel: Dave Davies, lead vocals, lead guitar; Jim Laspesa, drums and backing vocals; David Jenkins, bass and backing vocals; David Nolte, guitar, keyboards, harmonica, backing vocals

Set List

Till The End of the Day - I Need You - She's Got Everything - Susannah's Still Alive - Creeping Jean - Tired of Waiting For You - Milk Cow Blues - Gallon of Gas intro/You're Looking Fine - See My Friends - Rats (the whole song - sounded great) - Funny Face - All Day & All Of The Night - Soothe Sayer {from Purusha and the Spiritual Planet} - Picture Book - Strangers - Love Gets You - There is No Life Without Your Love - Too Much On My Mind - Death of a Clown - Fortis Green - Living on a Thin Line - I'm Not Like Everybody Else - Father Christmas

Concert Review

On Wednesday, 10 Feb., Dave, Two More Daves and a Jim treated Boston's Metrowest to another great show at what Peter called his "little hellhole," a place I've become very fond of. For any of you who doubt that Dave is tall, come take a look at the way he peeks at the ceiling above the stage at the Sit 'n Bull before he does one of his end-of-a-song leaps.

Dave finally is feeling better. Two days off seem to have done the trick with his cold. The result was a slightly longer show (23 songs, all of them full versions). To my great delight, there were a few musical surprises. Dave chose several songs that he had played in previous tours, but hadn't played yet in this one -- "Funny Face" (Doug Hinman was seated at my table directly in front of Dave, and I think Dave knows how much Doug loves that song); "Love Gets You" (one of my particular favourites); "Too Much On My Mind" (complete with crossed eyes and self-parodying gestures).

When introducing "Susannah's Still Alive," Dave said that the song is on his anthology and it's called "Oh Susannah." A puzzled look crossed his face as he tried to place what was wrong with that, then realized what and corrected the title. He introduced the band -- "The Ravens -- I tried to get them to wear black, but they wouldn't go for it." He also made a joke about being able to see in the back of the bar because he has big eyes from when his mum used to send him looking all over town for his dad. During "Creeping Jean," on the line "these creepy friends" he pointed directly at me, so I had to deny it with a startled look and hand gestures. Dave cracked up and told me, right into the microphone, "just kidding." I know, Dave!!

The rave-up on "Milk Cow Blues" was the hottest yet; no wonder Jim the Drummer stays so slim. "See My Friends" also sounded the best I'd heard it; Dave's singing on the quiet parts is sweet and melodic. The band tried "Rats" again, after doing such a bad job of it Friday that I didn't even recognize it, but tonight it worked - that guitar riff is eardrum-popping. "Soothe Sayer" was utterly beautiful and fast becoming a favourite of the crowd. Listen to the way Dave's voice peaks in that '50ish way at the end of a line ("cool player"). Just gorgeous. "Picture Book," otherwise known as Jim's Adventure -- he's a brave man to sing harmony on this tune, since Dave continues to do some creative rearrangements of the lyrics.

"Death of a Clown" featured a reprise of Jenney's singalong from the other day, and she has a really nice singing voice. "Fortis Green" was the most fun yet, as Jenney, Jill, and I obeyed Dave's command to "dance!" and even our worst meowing didn't throw Dave off his stride. The show ended with the crowd up at the edge of the stage affirming once again that we're not like everybody else, and a rousing encore of the unlikely-but-it-works-so-well-"Father Christmas."

In a conversation with a fan (Tom Banks), I was revealed to be the "lucky nut" who had seen Dave 17 (now 18) times. I don't hold the record, though; that surely belongs to the dynamic duo of Rafaela Filippi and Frank Reda.

I have now seen Dave more times than I saw The Kinks when they were together as a band, and this is in a span of 15 months. What is it that keeps me going back for more Dave? Partly it's the fact that through the internet I've made friends with people whom I like to do this thing with. Partly it's the fact that because of the smallness of the venues, the audience is close to the band, and that does enhance the experience.

But it's more than that, and I am about to write something that you can figure out from reading my posts, but I'd like to try to express this thought anyway. I know I'm in a minority in the Kinkdom for feeling this way, but we Kinks fans aren't like everybody else and we're not all like one another, either. My soul resonates to Dave as a solo performer in a way it never did for The Kinks as a band. I do not mean to dismiss my love for The Kinks in any way by making this statement -- hell no, The Kinks were phenomenal, and hopefully will be again. I am only stating that, on a personal level, Dave's performance thrills me more than The Kinks or Ray's solo shows, as much as I have enjoyed both.

As much as we can all give reasons for why we love The Kinks -- thoughtful lyrics, pleasing music, exciting stage shows -- doesn't our love for The Kinks transcend those reasons? The state of being dedicated to a musician or a band is more than the sum of its parts. Dave's relaxed humour, his surprisingly-good singing, his playing, his spontaneity, his own genuine delight in what he's doing, the sense of a great musician finally standing in the spotlight, not to mention the excellence and friendliness of his band, all make a Dave show the most fun and emotionally affecting live music event I have ever experienced. And it is this way, night after night. I've seen Dave perform when he was nervous, I've seen him perform when he was sick, but I've never seen him have an "off-night" or not give his all at a show.

Now it's back to the "real world" for me, with a return to priorities like work and running. In Dave's music I hear a message of being true to myself and trying to reach my potential as a human being, and I will try to carry that message with me into my daily life.

God Save Dave, Dave, Dave, and Jim (and Nathan the roadie too)!

Dave Davies Band
Dave Davies
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