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The Linda Ronstadt Experience ~ 2024 May 18 ~ The Spire, Plymouth, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

Linda Ronstadt Experience
Linda Ronstadt Experience at the Spire
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of the concert

Scroll to below video for a review of the show.


I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)

Poor Poor Pitiful Me (Warren Zevon)


This show was definitely a lot of fun, as this highly skilled group of five musicians and a female vocalist impersonating Linda Ronstadt presented a wide range of that popular star's hits. The star of the show was Tristan McIntosh, who got her start on American Idol. Linda Ronstadt's career featured a very broad range of musical styles, and the first half of this show favored the country twang end of her catalog, but toward the second half they started to rock more.

They performed many of Linda's popular hits, starting the show with "It's So Easy to Fall In Love" and ending with "You're No Good" before an encore of "Desperado." My favorites included the Stone Poneys' "Different Drum," Warren Zevon's "Poor Poor Pitiful Me," Elvis Costello's "Alison," "Tumblin' Dice," and "Blue Bayou." Tristan didn't talk too much between songs, but told one cute story that betrayed her young age -- she said that at one performance, when she sang a Neil Young song, she mistakenly called it a Neil Diamond song, and her band members had to correct her. Her singing was very good, and she really did look like a young Linda Ronstadt.

I saw the real Linda Ronstadt only once, and it was early in her solo career, in 1974 when she opened for Neil Young at the Music Hall in Boston.

This was a first of a kind concert experience for me at the Spire. Concert Going Partner and I decided rather late to go to this show, and the floor seats were more or less sold out, so the Spire had opened the balcony seats. They do have a glass panel in front of the seats, but to their credit it's sparkling clean so I was able to take pictures. There's a good view from up there and the sound is fine.