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The Lonesome Brothers ~ 2024 May 31 ~ Menino Arts Center, Hyde Park, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

Jim, Keith
The Lonesome Brothers
click thumbnail to see a photo gallery
of the concert

Band Personnel: Jim Armenti, guitar and vocals; Keith Levreault, drums; Ray Mason, bass and vocals.

Scroll to below videos for a review of the show.


Where the Good Souls Go

I've Got Mine

Frozen George

19th Nervous Breakdown


Hadn't seen the Lonesomes since before the pandemic, so we were very excited when this exceptional concert series, where we saw Sal Baglio just three weeks ago, booked them. This was the basic three man version of the band, lead guitar, bass, and drums. Guitarist Jim Armenti and bass player Ray Mason took turns on lead vocals, almost exclusively on songs they wrote, and drummer Keith Levreault got his turn in the spotlight in the form of a drum solo to open the song "Soul Thief."

Jim and Ray have acted as something of a droll comedy duo playing country tinged rock 'n roll for thirty-nine years now, with just a brief recent bump for the pandemic. This night they were promoting their latest album, Hollywood (two of the videos I captured were from this record). And they played tracks from throughout their long career along with a familiar cover or two.

I was extremely pleased to see the place was packed. I was so happy to see so many folks inside of Rte. 128 know who these guys are! The hard working staff even had to put out more chairs. Shout out to Curt Naihersy, the guru who books these amazingly good performers. Sitting next to us in the front row were a couple about my age who said they live in central Mass., and the lady said she knew Jim Armenti when they were kids, and was interested in seeing his band perform! These two had even frequented the Sit 'n Bull in Maynard, where I had seen Dave Davies of The Kinks twelve times back in his solo touring days back in the late '90s - early 2000s. Small world!

More Lonesomes

Here is a page with a handy list of links to all pages on this website with content relating to The Lonesome Brothers and Ray Mason's other musical projects.