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The Moonlighters ~ 2024 July 11 ~ Osterville Library, Osterville, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

The Moonlighters
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of the concert

Scroll to below video for a review of the show.

Video ... if a problem with viewing, go to Youtube and search by performer and date; the Youtube account is in the name "nicepace"

Cinnamon Girl {Neil Young}


One assumes that the name of this Cape Cod band implies that these five talented fellows all have day jobs. Well, they're all dandy musicians, too. Guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, sax, mandolin, and really splendid vocals led to a very fine imitation of songs from the rock 'n roll era, mostly the '60s and '70s. The artists covered included Allman Brothers, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Grateful Dead, the Eagles, the Who, the Beatles, and a whole lot of others, almost all uptempo rockers. They played a little over an hour under the tent outside the library on a hot, muggy summer evening to an appreciative audience who'd brought their own chairs. Kudos to the library for sponsoring such a rockin' band.