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The Unlikely Strummers ~ 2024 July 22 ~ Wareham Free Library, Wareham, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

Unlikely Strummers
Unlikely Strummers
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of the concert

Scroll to below videos for a review of the show.

Video ... if a problem with viewing, go to Youtube and search by performer and date; the Youtube account is in the name "nicepace"

The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

Secret Agent Man


What fun this show was. Tell me if I'm using the word "fun" in my reviews too often. If I counted right, there were twenty-two musicians in the band, including the drummer. They were mostly ukulele players, but who knew there were this many types of ukes, with this wide a range of tones, and this wide a range of shapes as well. They played a really wide variety of songs from a surprising range of decades, including more recent songs than one would expect; that's where the "unlikely" in the band name comes from. I basically refuse to use the correct pronunciation, which is "ook" not "yook".

The young lady featured in the photos with the pear-shaped uke was the bandleader and conductor. She introduced the songs, giving info about the origins of the songs, how the band chose which songs to play, and highlighted some of the band members who got to solo on various songs, and boy, did she have a good time. She didn't introduce the band members, even herself. I wonder if she does do intros when a show is longer than one hour. Did you know that the uke comes originally from Portugal?

It was another nice night at the library. I do have one minor criticism of the Unlikelys show. I'd really prefer if they didn't hang their crazy, attractive banners in front of the band, since the audience doesn't really get to see the ukes all that well, but that's a minor point. Their musicianship and singing were both really great, and I would heartily recommend this band to anyone looking for a slightly off-kilter musical good time. And thanks again to Patrick and the library for booking such an enjoyable act and asking nothing more than a donation to the food pantry. Again, the lawn outside the front door was filled with a good number of concert goers with lawn chairs, and they all went home happy.