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Studio Two ~ 2024 August 23 ~ Rockland High School, Rockland, MA

... by Joanne Corsano ...

Studio Two
Studio Two
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of the concert

Scroll to below videos for a review of the show.

Videos ... if a problem with viewing, go to Youtube and search by performer and date; the Youtube account is in the name "nicepace"

"She Loves You"

"Bad Boy - I'm Down - Don't Bother Me"

I Should Have Known Better ... If I Fell


The four talented musicians calling themselves Studio Two (John always spells out T-W-O), led by twin brothers Stephen Murray and Rob Murray (John Lennon and George Harrison, respectively) put on a totally groovy show on a beautiful summer night on a big stage at this high school in the eastern Massachusetts small town of Rockland. I've seen this band about ten times now. They were fab when I first saw them, at Chatham First Night some years ago, but they've gotten even better. They dress up in the right clothes, have cheeky personalities and accents, play the same songs, and play the same instruments just like the early Beatles. Since I've been seeing them live, this band has taken to playing more madcap medleys, playing three or five or six songs in a row, seguing seamlessly from one song to the next. The songs are usually not much more than two minutes long, as those 45 rpm records or LP tracks were in those days.

They're mostly songs of the early Beatles, the songs that the real John, Paul, George, and Ringo performed live for those few short magical years. The newest song they're doing might be Taxman, from the Revolver LP. And they include a few relatively obscure earlier songs that are probably only known by real Beatles experts. They started with She Loves You and ended with Twist and Shout, a song that John always demands the audience stand up for. The singalong Eight Days a Week was a standout, as was Yesterday, introduced as the most-covered song in rock 'n roll history and arranged nicely for guitar, bass, and drums.

It was a beautiful night, lots of parking at the school, snacks and drinks were for sale, plenty of room to put a lawn chair or blanket. The band has played here ten summers, moving indoors when the weather is bad, which it apparently has been the past couple of years. This is the first time I've been here to see the band, but I think it's a very nice place to see a show.